Cloudy day with scattered rain showers and very pleasant temperatures.
A day of syncing to Thailand time (11 hours ahead of USA EST) was necessary and greatly appreciated. I arrived to my hotel at approximately 4 AM. A nice shower, a snack, and unpacking the necessary items to establish “home” for the next 22 days ushered in an anticipated sleep.
I slept well, awoke cool and refreshed. Wait, are you contemplating the word “cool”?
Hilariously, the air conditioner had a default setting to 10*C (50*F). The intent to rapidly cool the room worked but I didn’t check the thermostat until I had an unusual chill.
I spent time reading and studying my devotional, exercised, finished unpacking, connected with family, took a few photographs, and completed a bit of computer work before meeting with Mai and Chan for dinner and light shopping. I returned to the hotel and connected with Jon. Now, preparing for bed.
I’m excited to be with our GRACE family tomorrow. I’m anticipating a day of Thai language review. It’s needed as I told the housekeeper that my stay is for 23 months instead of 23 days.
Praising God for His work in and through each of our staff and families. Praying specifically for many as I recall their stories.
With a heart full of gratitude, good night (an ocean away).
P.S. I was able to video with ATCO Kids Children’s Church. Piper recapped the Bible lesson and Bentley reviewed the Ten Commandments. Such joy! Thanks, Jon!!